Art by Daph: Embracing Creativity and Community

Artist and entrepreneur, Daphne McNelly, creative force behind Art by Daph.

Daphne McNelly’s journey into entrepreneurship with Art by Daph traces back to an enduring childhood love for art. “I never really imagined myself to be an entrepreneur, or a professional artist for that matter,” she reminisces. Her affinity for art, born from an inclination for doodling that often landed her in trouble, gradually became a defining part of her identity. “In my time since college, art has become a catharsis and endeared passion,” she reveals.

Daphne credits the persistent support from friends and family for nudging her toward the decision to formalize her artistic pursuit into entrepreneurship. “After years of my loved ones and friends telling me I should sell my work, I finally decided to make it official in 2020. Looking back now, I can’t thank those people enough for supporting me to move forward with my art.”

Acknowledging the combination of influences that propelled her leap into entrepreneurship, she reflects, “As cheesy as it is, I would say that love really motivated me to start my business; between that of my supporters, my own passions, and the unknowing embrace of a community, that really sparked it all.”

Daphne’s business, Art by Daph, isn’t just about products; it’s a manifestation of her innermost creativity that stems from a deeply personal space. “The uniqueness of the product I sell truly comes from the fact that what I produce comes from my own love of creativity,” she emphasizes.

Central to her satisfaction lies in the personal connection her art forms with her customers. “This has been one of the most rewarding aspects of creating, because it means that my customers are shopping with me because they enjoy something I made that encompasses me, and there is no bigger form of flattery or gratitude than that.”

The Manhattan community has an essential role in shaping her artistic journey. “The first time I was given the opportunity to sell to the Manhattan community, I had a variety of products to purchase, but everyone kept shopping my paintings,” she recounts. “I was in shock, and it was the first time I time I truly felt supported in the arts.”

This community support has consistently played a pivotal role, providing a stable foundation throughout her entrepreneurial journey. “Since then, I have met many people through my art that have continually showed up to support me in various events, locations, and sharing my small business, and it has been something I absolutely treasure,” she acknowledges, underscoring the invaluable role of community support.

Appreciating the profound role of community backing her journey, she expresses gratitude, “I will never be able to thank this community for the continued opportunities that they give me to fulfill my love of art. But I must say, the art community in Manhattan is growing, and there are some really beautiful, empowered minds, who are helping to create a space for artist and makers that is so needed and welcome!” 

To Daphne, small businesses are the lifeblood of a community, the essence of local support and connection. “Small businesses are the heart of a community. In my humble opinion, there is nothing more important to a community than the people that inhabit it,” she asserts, highlighting the value of fostering opportunities for communal engagement and support.

Drawing from her experiences, she shares advice encapsulating her ethos as an artist and entrepreneur. “As an artist and creative, my advice is to produce things that are meaningful to you,” she advocates, displaying the driving force behind her entrepreneurial spirit.

In Daphne’s narrative, Art by Daph represents more than art; it summarizes a narrative woven with love, community, and an unyielding passion for creative expression. Her story stands as a testament to the transformative influence of embracing one’s passions and the pivotal role of unwavering community support in an entrepreneur’s path.

Join the vibrant community celebrating Daphne's artistry at Art by Daph and enjoy her artwork on Facebook and Instagram. Explore her captivating collections, have the opportunity to have a personalized piece made, and immerse yourself in her creative narrative on Daphne’s website.

Madi Quinn